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HCI Research Brief: Designing Work during COVID-19: Implications for Managers & the Future of Work

Check out Dr. Westover and Dr. Andrade's new HCI Research Brief, "Designing Work during COVID-19: Implications for Managers & the Future of Work."

This 25-page report (including 7 distinct research snapshots) summarizes a series of studies comparing job satisfaction and its determinants across 37 countries, based on data from the most recent wave of the International Social Survey Program. This research explores various work-life balance factors, job autonomy, and meaningful work indicators and the related considerations for managers as they work to design work (including remote work) during the COVID-19 pandemic.

As we all know, COVID-19 is having a worldwide and significant impact on the world of work. Scheduling flexibility has taken on new meaning with employees working from home on a regular basis. Not only must these employees fulfill their work responsibilities, but in many cases, care for children and assist with schoolwork. Some may find working from home isolating and experience increased conflict between home and work responsibilities, while others may enjoy the flexibility and find that it increases productivity. A study administered early in the COVID-19 crisis found that 80% of those working remotely were happy doing so.

Well-designed jobs, that provide meaning and purpose to employees, the autonomy to determine how they perform their work, and that provide for various work-life-balance benefits are proven to drive higher levels of worker satisfaction and engagement, which has enormous benefits for both workers and their employers alike. These benefits include increased productivity, innovation and creativity, and less job turnover and absenteeism.

Additionally, COVID-19 has provided an opportunity for managers to determine effective practices for working from home. Given that flexible work arrangements improve worker satisfaction and engagement globally and across generations of workers, managers should determine how to leverage and continue these arrangements as they work to support their employees and design jobs that drive performance.

See the full report here.

See the relevant HCI Research Snapshots at the links below:


Human Capital Leadership Review

ISSN 2693-9452 (online)

Subscription Form

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