Virginia is found to have the most tech job vacancies with 834 per 100,000 people
Utah ranked in tenth place
Mississippi ranked at the bottom of the list having just 207 industry-related jobs per 100,000 of its population
A new study has revealed the US states with the highest demand for tech workers, with Utah taking tenth spot.
The research, conducted by DevRev, obtained data from Indeed to discover the number of vacancies in the tech industry in each state; these figures were weighed against the population to determine the final ranking.
With 64,431 tech-related job vacancies, equating to 843 per 100,000 citizens, Virginia ranks top of the list. Around one sixth of those vacancies were advertising for the role of ‘problem manager’, making it the most in demand role by far.
Commenting on the findings, a spokesperson for DevRev said: “The research certainly yielded some interesting findings; some of the states in the top 10 with the highest demand for tech industry workers will be a surprise to many as none are particularly associated with having big tech industries.
“There were also a few surprises towards the end of the rankings, especially with New York placing in the bottom three, with New York city’s tech output alone equating to a reported $124.7 billion in economic output.”
Arizona is a close second having 44,799 job adverts, working out as 764 per 100,000 of its population, with around 27,000 of those being for ‘problem managers’ and ‘technical assistants’.
Following in third place, Maryland has 683 tech jobs for every 100,000th person and 38,431 vacancies in the state. The state is home to some huge tech companies, including Ciena Corporation which employs over 8,000 people.
Colorado ranks fourth with 31,169 advertised tech jobs, which equals 666 per 100,000 people in the Centennial State. It is reported that the Colorado tech industry has an economic impact of $52.6 billion, which is the fifth highest of any state in the US.
With a total job vacancy count of 40,442, equating to 629 per 100,000 people, Massachusetts rounds off the top five. The state houses over 18,000 tech companies with a good portion of them residing in Boston, a city renowned for being a startup hub.
At the opposite end of the ranking, the research found Mississippi to be the state that has the least demand for people working in the tech industry, with 6,000 vacancies working out at just 207 per 100,000 citizens.
Louisiana follows next but has over double Mississippi’s job total with 12,673, working out at 281 for every 100,000th person. The state is home to approximately 5,300 tech businesses, accounting for 2.3% of the Louisiana economy.
New York is next, despite having one of the highest numbers of tech job advertisements of any state at 55,609; its population means that these vacancies work out as only 289 per 100,000 people.
A total of 7,984 vacancies and 290 per 100,000 people put Arkansas slightly ahead of New York in the rankings.
Kentucky ranked next with 304 tech industry jobs per capita, meaning a total of 12,790 job ads and around 3,500 of those being for ‘technical assistants’.
Data was gathered from to calculate how many job vacancies in the tech industry are in each US state. The following job titles were used as search terms and added together for the total in every state. You can access the full data set here.