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HCI Research in Popular Media 

HCI Research in the News connects you to brief research-based practitioner-oriented articles by HCI contributors that appear in the news, popular press, and in industry publications.

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HCL Podcast Episodes

The HCL Podcast provides various HCI research and practitioner content in an easy to consume audio format.


HCL Review

The Human Capital Leadership Review aims to advance strategic human resource management and organizational leadership practice through the global exchange of empirically and theoretically grounded knowledge and perspectives. 


HCI Webinars

HCI Research Webinars are a free resource for organizations looking to enhance their people operations and organizational leadership. Conducted by HCI team members and other industry experts, these sessions explore 

the pressing topics and issues facing organizations today.

Image by William Iven

HCI Research One Sheets

HCI Research One Sheets distill complex HCI research findings into visually appealing and easily digestible bits that you can use to further important leadership and organizational discussions within your firm.

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HCI Research Snapshots

HCI Research Snapshots take a quick look at discrete pieces of our research findings and provide guiding questions and ideas for immediate application and implementation in your organization.

Researching and Writing

HCI Research Briefs

HCI Research Briefs provide a more in-depth (yet still concise) overview of our research and its main findings.


HCI Research Articles

Do you want to dig deeper into our research methodology and findings? Take a look at our HCI Research Articles (all peer-reviewed and published in various academic journals).


HCI Research Books

Check out our collection of books from HCI Press. 


HCI Press Free Educational Resources

HCI Press provides free educational resources in its Leading Innovative Organizations Series.

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